Fine Hair

Hello Friends!

This is the first installment in my new blog dedicated to addressing the issues that come with each person’s unique hair type, and the solutions for conquering those frustrating issues that hold us back from achieving the styles we’ve always wanted.

I’ve decided to start with the hair type that is most near and dear to me, or perhaps I should say most hated, because I battled it all my life – fine hair! After years of struggling through trial and error, educated guesses, high hopes and letdowns, I’ve finally learned how to master this hair...

Both women and men with fine hair know all too well the difficulties of creating body and volume – defeating the flat, oily devil without making hair overly dry and weak. The problem we’re faced with can be explained scientifically, as those with fine hair actually have more sebaceous (oil producing) glands per square inch than our counterparts with thicker hair. As a result, the scalp gets oilier quicker. The typical reaction is to shampoo every day; while this does remove the oils from the scalp, it also dries out your hair leaving it weak and even thinner, stripping it of any body or volume. Here are the simple solutions to breaking free of this destructive cycle…

· The proper haircut

A typical haircut begins with a shampoo and ends with a blow-dry. Most people accept this as simply part of the process; after all we’re accustomed to this in our daily hair styling method. However, by shampooing and blow-drying, the stylist is stretching and reshaping the hair, moving it out of its natural pattern. The result – hair is cut in a state that is unnatural, and cannot be recreated after you leave the salon and return to your regular routine.

The solution – The DryCut!

Cutting hair in it’s natural dry state… Accepting it’s growth patterns, cowlicks, waves and parts. By doing so, you can be sure that the style you leave the salon with is easily recreated, giving you hair that is manageable and a style that’s long lasting.

· Wash hair no more than 3 times per week, with a natural, organic or vegan shampoo

You should always use a shampoo that is free of harsh sulfates that strip your hair, harmful Parabens that have health side effects, or heavy paraffin that coats the hair in wax and weighs it down. Washing no more than 3 times per week ensures that your hair retains its natural healthy oils that give it strength, body and volume.

· Using a Dry Shampoo

Between washes, you want to keep your scalp and hair clean. A dry shampoo achieves the desired result of a fresh, clean scalp without further thinning your hair R+Co's Death Valley dry shampoo allow your hair to retain its natural, healthy moisture while also adding body, volume and texture, but still leaving you feeling clean and refreshed.

· Know how to style naturally!

o Use a teasing comb to add volume to your roots

o Use a soft brush like a Mason Pearson brand to smooth it out without completely detangling, maintaining the volume of the tease

o Use a lightweight hairspray like N.4 Mighty Hair Spray that will give you hold without making hair stiff or sticky

You can find all of the products and expertise you need to transform your hair at

Now that we’ve conquered fine hair, keep an eye out for the next installment, when we take on another hair type… let me know what type you’re struggling with!

Sylvia Essa